To participate to the Rodrigue Surname DNA project, just click on the following link, which will lead you to the description of the Rodrigue Project page on the FamilyTreeDNA (FtDNA) company site. There you will be able to register with the Project and order the DNA test that best suits you.

Upon ordering a collection Kit via the web or by phone, your name and contact information is cataloged in our Surname database.

A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. Since surnames are passed down from father to son like the Y-chromosome, this test is for males taking a Y-DNA test. Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA and acquire a new surname by way of marriage, so the tested individual must be a male that wants to check his direct paternal line (father's father's father's...) with a Y-DNA12, Y-DNA37, or Y-DNA67 marker test. Females who would like to check their direct paternal line can have a male relative with this surname order a Y-DNA test. Females can also order an mtDNA test for themselves such as the mtDNA or the mtDNAPlus test and participate in an mtDNA project.

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